Paleo Action Plan

After reading the information on the Diet page and learning about the #1 Recommended Diet, hopefully now you are considering or have already implemented a change in your diet. We are here to personally help you through this change.

Paleo Action Plan

Go through your pantry and fridge (and any other food cubbies in your house) and pull out everything you cannot eat or drink on the Paleo Diet. This includes any and all grains, dairy, legumes, processed sugars, sports drinks, beer, chips, packaged snack foods, etc. We find that knocking on your neighbor’s door and explaining that you are starting a new diet and will not be using those items anymore works well, as they often don’t care if the packages are open. Giving unopened food to a food bank is another great way to rid yourself of the food you can’t eat. This way, someone you know can use these items and you will feel better than if you just threw them away.

Decide your commitment level to the diet. Are you going to take a strict approach and attempt Robb Wolf’s 30-Day Paleo Challenge? Or do you know that this switch will be difficult and prefer to take steps? In this case consider implementing Loren Cordain’s Three Levels. Level one of this program allows three “open meals” per week. Even though you get an open meal, try not to gorge yourself on the foods that our bodies can’t process. The purpose of a free meal is to give you enough leeway to stick to the diet in the long run, not to undo in one meal what you have been working toward all week.

Document your starting point. Take pictures of yourself in tight-fitting clothing (as little as you are comfortable with). Remember that nobody has to see these but you, but they are critical, as we often cannot see our progress unless we take a step back and look at a photograph. Also, take some measurements. Take your hip (largest part of your rear end) and waist (smallest part of your abdomen) measurements at minimum, and consider taking more (like bust, thigh, neck, ankle) if you are interested in keeping detailed records of your progress. Visit the Methods and Tracking page for more information on different approaches and how to track your progress.

GO SHOPPING for all of the new healthy and delicious food you will be eating! One of the keys to succeeding at whatever level of the Paleo Diet you intend to adhere to is having the right food on hand. It will be difficult to eat paleo if you find yourself hungry mid-day and are craving something sweet, but do not have any fruit to satisfy your hunger and craving. We have tried our best to make your first week of Paleo easier by providing a one-week shopping list accompanied by a 7-day meal plan. Whole Foods and Central Market are good places to find a wide variety of the food you can eat on the Paleo Diet. Also, try going to a local farmer’s market- the quality of produce is fantastic and you know it’s fresh!

Unfortunately we cannot be in the kitchen with you during your first few days of trying to eat Paleo, but we can do our best to keep offering moral support through the website. Visit the Forum and post all the questions or problems you have, and the community will come to your rescue with experience and advice! If you wish to ask us a question directly, you can do so through the contact tab on the left of the website.

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